Discover project

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"Mitigating climate change and adapting to its effects in Wyszków" - under this title, we will implement further activities, the main goal of which is to increase the ability of local communities to reduce emissions and adapt to climate change. Nearly PLN 6 million zlotys from the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area 2014-2021, the so-called Norwegian funds were obtained for this purpose by the Commune of Wyszków.


What will our city gain?

What will our city gain?

1. New, energy-efficient street lighting through the city (replacement of over 3,000 existing luminaire street lamps)

2. New forms of greenery in the city:

pocket parks (at Sowińskiego Street, at Primary School 3, at Primary School 5 - with a rain garden),
green stop at the Karol Ferdinand Vasa Park,
green walls in the municipal cemetery and on the residential area at 1 May Street.
3. Land development of another 8 green areas (street greenery at H. Sienkiewicza Street, on the resident area at 1 Maja Street, on the resident area at Prosta Street, at WOK Hutnik, on the resident area at Kościuszki Street, on the resident areaat Łączna Street, at the municipal cemetery, in the premises of the Integration Kindergarten No. 4)

4. Installation of rainwater containers at the buildings of municipal educational institutions,

5. Bicycle routes at ul. Warszawska  Street (Wyszków - Tumanek), at Sowińskiego Street,

6. Bicycle infrastructure - bicycle parking, bicycle shelters and bicycle racks,

The basis of the activities carried out under this project are educational activities aimed at drawing attention to the aspects related to the ongoing climate change, its effects and how each of us can counteract them through our daily decisions, because together we can do a lot!

The project, apart from an extensive substantive campaign in the traditional media and on the Internet - based on four thematic blocks: green infrastructure, blue infrastructure, low emissions, energy efficiency - provides for a number of various educational activities:

a dedicated website where residents will find not only information about the project, but a lot of useful information related to climate change,
a package of thematic contests addressed to various age groups,
workshops and trainings,
development of educational materials, thanks to which, for example, our residents will be able to check what soils are present in their place of residence and which plants will feel best there,
getting acquainted with the  good practices of our Partners, i.e. the Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO) and the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW),
the opportunity to take advantage of specialists advice.
Many entities will be involved in the implementation of the above activities, so that the implementation of the planned activities would bring the most comprehensive effect. PWIK Sp. z o.o. will "open its doors" to our residents. 

It is anticipated active participation of communal educational institutions, starting from kindergartens and schools, representatives of the Wyszków Commune, City Council, Council of Seniors and village Leaders who will take part in trainings.

The whole project was structured in such a way that all activities carried out in it were consistent, and the investment activities were directly related to educational activities. This is the first project of the Wyszków Commune with such an extensive educational campaign addressed to all residents.

The summary of the one and half year realization of the project implementation will be a lot of publications available to our residents, which will include not only the effects of the implemented infrastructure activities, but above all the parks of our residents who will take part in the project in various forms. The summary of cooperation with our Partners will be the preparation a package of proposals and possible measures to be implemented in Wyszków, which will allow us, as a city, to adapt to the ongoing climate change.